You are here: Job Costing

5. Job Costing


List of Amendments


Description of change

Manual section updated

October 2020

Added the Transfer Text field to the Load Estimate Details screen so users can transfer text lines from estimates to jobs

"Job Transaction Processing - Edit - Read Estimate"

"Manufactured Job Entry - Edit - Read Estimate"

August 2019

Added a note that when a kit item on a job line is exploded and the Default Used Qty to Zero on Jobs field on the MJC General Configuration screen is set to Yes, the Auto Purchasing field on the Read Kit screen will default to Yes - All Stock

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

"Adding Materials to a Manufactured Job"

"Adding Materials to an Internal Job"

August 2019

Added information that the Default Used Qty to Zero on Jobs field on the MJC General Configuration screen also applies when kit items on a job line are exploded

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

"Adding Materials to a Manufactured Job"

"Adding Materials to an Internal Job"

May 2019

Added a note to the Qty Used field on the Add Items to Job screen about the quantity that defaults when the Default Used Qty to Zero on Jobs field on the MJC General Configuration screen is set to Yes

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

"Adding Materials to a Manufactured Job"

"Adding Materials to an Internal Job"

May 2019

Added a note that you can enter a zero amount invoice as long as a WIP amount is taken up, for both free form invoices and progress claims

"Job Transaction Processing - File - Free Form Invoice"

"Entering Progress Claim Amounts and Retentions"

April 2019

Added a note that you can enter a zero amount invoice as long as a WIP amount is taken up

"Job Transaction Processing - File - Normal Invoice"

January 2018

Added information about the Work In Progress and Active Jobs check boxes on the Bulk Job Delete Header screen

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Bulk Job Delete"

November 2017

Added a new topic on creating copies of quotes

"Duplicating an Existing Quote"

March 2017

Added a new topic on processing cash payments for cash customers

"Processing Cash Payments"

January 2016

Updated the procedures for crediting part of a normal invoice as it depends on whether Yes or No is selected in the Itemise field on the Invoicing Jobs screen

"Job Transaction Processing - File - Normal Invoice"

"Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job - Not Itemised"

"Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job - Itemised"

November 2016

Corrected the topic on changing operation numbers to say that the new operation number(s) cannot already exist in Micronet and you cannot merge operations

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Operation Numbers"

November 2016

Corrected the topic on changing job numbers to say that the new job number(s) cannot already exist in Micronet and you cannot merge jobs

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Job Numbers"

November 2016

Added a note that users will be prompted to enter any user defined questions relating to a serial number when posting serialised manufactured items to MDS

"Posting Manufactured Item - Serial"

August 2016

Updated the topic on crediting a progress claim for a service job, noting that you cannot save a credit as a proforma invoice

"Crediting a Progress Claim"

August 2016

Added a new topic on crediting part of a normal invoice for a service job, noting that you cannot save a credit as a proforma invoice

"Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job - Not Itemised"

August 2016

Updated the topic on crediting part of a free form invoice for a service job, noting that you cannot save a credit as a proforma invoice

"Crediting Part of an Invoice for a Service Job"

August 2016

Removed all Debtor master files screens and tabs and referred instead to the Debtor master file in the Distribution System manual

"File - Debtor"

August 2016

Removed all Inventory master files screens and tabs and referred instead to the Inventory master file in the Distribution System manual

"File - Inventory"

July 2016

Added a technical tip about using the word "Use" at the start of a plant item description so that Micronet automatically replaces the current plant item with a different one in searches

"Plant Update - Plant"

July 2016

Updated the file format for importing materials data into a materials batch

"Importing Data to a Materials Batch"

July 2016

Updated the file format for importing timesheet data into a timesheet batch

"Job Timesheet Batch Control - File - Import CSV"

July 2016

Added a warning about checking the cost prices displayed on the Add Items to Job screen when cost prices are set to display anything other than average cost

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

February 2016

Changed the note relating to what happens when you post a manufactured or internal job where there are still outstanding purchase orders for the job (2.8 feature)

"Manufactured Job Entry - File - Transfer to MDS"

"Internal Job Entry - File - Post to GL"

November 2015

Added the In Priority and Out Priority columns to the Bin Locations and Quantities screens to show separate priorities for the bins relating to stock coming in (e.g. goods receipts and returns) and those for stock going out (e.g. picking) (2.8 feature)

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

September 2015

Added a note that a warning will be displayed if a user tries to post a job that has outstanding purchase orders (2.8 feature)

"Job Transaction Processing - File - Normal Invoice"

"Manufactured Job Entry - File - Transfer to MDS"

"Internal Job Entry - File - Post to GL"

October 2014

Added procedure overviews for all job and estimate creation processes

"Job Transactions Overview"

"Manufactured Jobs Overview"

"Internal Jobs Overview"

"Service Estimates Overview"

"Manufactured Estimates Overview"

September 2014

Added information on all Plant Maintenance reports

"Reports - Plant Maintenance Reports"

September 2014

Added information on Job Over Run report

"Reports - Job Over Run Report"

September 2014

Added information on Job Proforma report

"Reports - Job Proforma Report"

September 2014

Updated information on department inquiries

"Reports - Department Inquiry"

September 2014

Updated information on employee inquiries

"Reports - Employee Inquiry"

May 2014

Added information on allocating stock from/to multiple bins in Job Transactions, Manufactured Jobs and Internal Jobs

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

"Adding Materials to a Manufactured Job"

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

"Adding Materials to an Internal Job"

"Add Items to Job - Selecting Bins and Quantities"

April 2014

Removed all MAINTENANCE menu options that are also found in the Distribution system and referred to the Distribution options instead

"MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance"

March 2014

Added the ability to change the stage number when entering labour into manufactured and internal jobs

"Adding Labour to a Manufactured Job"

"Adding Labour to an Internal Job"

November 2013

Removed references to not being able to edit a field service job when its status is On PDA In Progress; jobs can now be edited and invoiced when they are in this status

"Job Information - Load Job - Load by Debtor"

"Job Information - Load Job - Load by Job No"

"Job Transaction Processing - Scheduling"

"Assigning Jobs to Employees - Quick Method"

"Assigning Jobs to Employees by Job Number"

"Editing Job Assignments"

November 2013

Total charges for a stage or variation are now calculated automatically via the Actuals and Budgets screen

"Estimate Transaction Processing - Stages - Variations and Stages"

November 2013

Added two new menu options on the Job Transaction Processing screen - ASSEMBLY LIST and INQUIRY (v2.8)

"Job Transaction Processing - Assembly List"

"Job Transaction Processing - Inquiry (v2.8)"

September 2013

Updated all options under the ESTIMATES menu

"ESTIMATES Menu: Micronet Estimating System"

September 2013

Added section to Batch Timesheets on converting employee times to decimals

"Converting Times to Decimals"

September 2013

Updated section on Batch Materials

"Transactions – Batch Materials"

September 2013

Added more detail about the accounts to enter when setting up the GL Interface master file for MJC

"File - GL Interface"

August 2013

Updated information on posting kits (BOMs) to jobs and estimates

"Adding Materials to a Service Job"

"Adding Materials to an Internal Job"

"Adding Materials to a Service Estimate"

August 2013

Added information on new Wide Job Scheduler menu option

"Plant + Maintenance - Wide Schedule Job Cards"

August 2013

Added information on viewing field service checks, notes and images from within the job transaction

"Job Transaction Processing - Scheduling"

July 2013

Added more information to section on invoicing accrued retentions

"Invoicing/Completing Accrued Retentions"

July 2013

Added more information on changing operation numbers

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Operation Numbers"

July 2013

Added more information on changing job numbers

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Job Numbers"

June 2013

Updated procedure for Create Scheduled Job Cards

"Plant + Maintenance - Create Scheduled Job Cards"

May 2013

Documented new screen in Job Purchase History Inquiry

"Job Inquiry - Inquiry - Purchase History Inquiry"

May 2013

Added information on new Change Area and Change Employee programs

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Area"

"Maintenance - Job Maintenance - Change Employee"

August 2012

Added information about adding and viewing narrative text (F5 key) for service jobs, manufactured jobs, internal jobs, plant items and maintenance contracts

"Transactions – Job Transactions"

"Transactions – Internal Job"

"Transactions – Manufactured Job"

"Adding or Viewing Narrative Text for a Plant Item"

"Adding or Viewing Narrative Text for a Maintenance Contract"

July 2012

Added information on negative stock warning when invoicing jobs where there is not enough stock available (2.8 feature)

"Dealing with Negative Stock (v2.8)"

"Dealing with Negative Stock (v2.8)"

"Dealing with Negative Stock (v2.8)"

June 2012

Added Images button to Enter Schedule and Edit Task dialogues in MPM Job Scheduler (2.8 feature)

"Enter Schedule - Images"

"Edit Task - Images"

June 2012

Added more detailed information on sub-assembly discounts

"Add Items to Job - SubAssembly"

May 2012

Added procedure for uploading line records into service jobs (2.8 feature)

"Job Transaction Processing - Edit - Upload Line Records (v2.8)"

March 2012

Updated information on MPM Job Scheduler

"Plant + Maintenance - Schedule Job Cards"

March 2012

Added new Field Service dialogues and tabs

"Plant Update - Field Service"

"Edit - Applications - MJC - Field Service"

March 2012

Updated information on Plant master file

"Plant + Maintenance - Plant Entry"

December 2011

Updated information on job inquiries

"Reports - Job Inquiry"

December 2011

Updated information on Transaction Processing to reflect software changes removing the distinction between normal service jobs and field service jobs

"Transactions – Job Transactions"

September 2011

Updated information on internal jobs

"Transactions – Internal Job"

September 2011

Updated information on manufactured jobs

"Transactions – Manufactured Job"

August 2011

Updated information on normal service jobs

"Transactions – Job Transactions"

June 2011

Added Field Service information to normal service job dialogues and procedures

"Transactions – Job Transactions"

June 2011

Added configuration information for Field Service

"Edit - Applications - MJC - General"

"Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 7. MJC Security"

May 2011

Added information on new functionality to prevent users from changing a job's status

"Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 7. MJC Security"

"Edit - Applications - MJC - Job Status Table"

"Transactions – Job Transactions"

"Creating a New Manufactured Job"

"Creating a New Internal Job"

May 2011

Updated section on Batch Timesheets, including adding new information on exporting to Portapay

"Transactions – Batch Timesheets"

March 2011

Shortened section on setting up and configuring MJC by cross-referencing to appropriate screens

"Setting up and Configuring MJC"

November 2010

Addition of temporary items during job creation

"Add Items to Job - Creating Temporary Items"